Turtles belong to the group of reptiles
Cheloniidae family
Sea turtle species
Turtles are reptiles that can be found almost anywhere in the world. On this page you can find sea turtles facts information. Turtles are divided into three different species groups and this page provides sea turtles facts and information. Sea turtles are one of the three main species and all sea turtle species are endangered and in need of protection. Humans have already formed many different organizations tasked with protecting and helping sea turtles.
Sea turtles live around the world. They occur mainly in tropical and subtropical seas. Sea turtles live in shallow and coastal waters, but also migrate long distances on the high seas. They can also be found in bays, lagoons and estuaries.
Sea turtles have lived since the time of the dinosaurs. They belong to the group of reptiles, the family Cheloniidae and the species sea turtles.
There are seven different species of sea turtles. The species are Olive Ridley, Kemp`s Ridley, Hawksbill, Flatback, Green, Loggerhead and Leatherback.
Sea turtles are in danger of extinction and there are many different reasons for this. The biggest cause of extinction is due to human actions.
Climate change is also a major and significant cause of turtle deaths. Storms cause the destruction of beaches and the destruction of nest sites. Climate change is also causing water warming and, as a result, sea turtles will have to adapt to new conditions. Coral reefs are also being destroyed due to global warming and taking away sea turtle homes.
While humans cause a lot of harm to sea turtles, humans can still help them as well. There are already many rescue teams to help rescue sea turtles. For example, they help if the turtle is caught in plastic or in a fishing net. Rescue teams also guard the turtle nests and ensure that the hatchlings can safely enter the sea after hatching. It can take many weeks for a rescue operation because rescue teams don’t know when the hatchlings will hatch.
How to help adult sea turtles.
You can find more information from Maui Ocean Center Marine Institute (a nonprofit organization based in Maui, USA) web site: https://mocmarineinstitute.org
Sufficient space must be provided for turtle nests.
For example, dogs or cats must not be allowed on the beaches so that they do not eat or step on hatched hatchlings or eggs.
During the nesting season, lights near the shores (eg street lights) must be kept off at night. Sea turtle hatchling navigate the sea with the help of moonlight reflected from the water. The street lights confuse the hatchlings’ sense of direction and they can’t find their way to the sea.
I took a picture of Hawaii’s Green sea turtle lounging on the beach.
National geographic. Sea turtles. https://youtu.be/5Rmv3nliwCs. 15.2.2021.
Maui Kayak Tours. Sea turtles on Maui Facts. https://mauikayakadventures.com/news/sea-turtle-facts/. 15.2.2021.
WWF. Sea Turtles.https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/sea-turtle. 15.2.2021.
Livescience.Turtle Facts. https://www.livescience.com/52361-turtle-facts.html. 15.2.2021.
WWF. Sea turtle Facts. https://www.worldwildlife.org/stories/how-long-do-sea-turtles-live-and-other-sea-turtle-facts. 15.2.2021.
Wikipedia. Merikilpikonnat. https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merikilpikonnat. 15.2.2021.
Seaworld. All about sea turtles. https://seaworld.org/animals/all-about/sea-turtles/habitat/. 15.2.2021.
Oceanservice. Sea turtles. https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/coral_species.html.15.2.2021
National Geographic. Koralliriutat. https://natgeo.fi/luonto/ilmastonmuutos-rasittaa-koralliriuttoja. 16.2.2021.
Slidwplayer. Sea Turtles. https://slideplayer.com/slide/9488373/16.2.2021.
Interview source
Jessica Colla. Director of Education in Maui Ocean Center, The Hawaijian Aquarium.17.2.202. Online meeting.
Image sources
painer06. pixabay
National geographic
The Florida Aquarium
Video sources
Video by CHHAN MUNIUDOM from Pexels